Problems installing openfoam-adapter

  • preCICE version: libprecice2_2.3.0_focal.deb
  • Operating system or platform: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Installation method:
  1. Getting and installing precice
sudo apt install ./libprecice2_2.3.0_focal.deb
  1. installingOF
wget -q -O - | sudo bash
sudo apt install openfoam2112-dev
echo "source /usr/lib/openfoam/openfoam2112/etc/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Installing dependencies
sudo apt install build-essential pkg-config cmake git
  1. Download and install OF-precice adapter
git clone --branch=master --depth 1
cd openfoam-adapter
  • Dependency versions: openfoam8

Hi! Did you maybe try to install the adapter with a different version of OpenFOAM before? Try running ./Allclean first, before running ./Allwmake again.

Hi, what should I do if this happens, thanks!

Can you please upload your ldd.log?

ldd.log (24.2 KB)
Hello, the file is as follows

At the bottom of this file, there are several undefined symbols reported, all related to preCICE dependencies.

Have you installed the dependencies of preCICE as well? Are they loaded/accessible at the moment you are trying to build the OpenFOAM adapter?

Hello, I have precice 2.4 installed, what are the dependencies you are referring to?


These are the dependencies: Building from source - Dependencies | preCICE - The Coupling Library (Boost, libxml2, mpi, …).

In your first post, you wrote that you installed preCICE 2.3.0, but in your latest post, I see preCICE 2.4.0. Could it be that you have both installed?

Does the cpp-solid participant of the Quickstart run? That one does not depend on OpenFOAM.

Hello, I just installed version 2.4, do I need to install and compile these dependencies by myself?

When you do

sudo apt install ./libprecice2_2.4.0_focal.deb

it should install the dependencies by itself.

I assume that you have run the following at some point recently, to get updates in your system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Hi, I have repeated this and it still shows the above error, what should I do at this point?

Looking back at your first post, this is the problem

These are the ubuntu release codenames:

  • Ubuntu 20.04: Focal Fossa
  • Ubuntu 22.04: Jammy Jellyfish

You are downloading the wrong Debian package for your Ubuntu version. Since you are on Ubuntu 22.04, try downloading the _jammy packages, and it should just work.

P.S.: I know that using codenames is confusing, but unfortunately this is how Ubuntu does it.

Okay, I’ll try again.