Hi! I am having issues with installing precice. I am following the quickstart guide (Quickstart | preCICE - The Coupling Library), and am running into make errors when getting to step 4, line 4.
Please describe your system, and especially:
- preCICE version: 3.1.1
- Operating system or platform: Ubuntu 22.04, x86_64
- Installation method: cmake, it looks like
- Dependency versions: not sure, openfoam 2406-dev
I receive the following output when executing make:
Building the OpenFOAM-preCICE adapter…
If not already known by the system, preCICE may be located using:
pkg-config --cflags libprecice =
pkg-config --libs libprecice = -lprecice
Current OpenFOAM environment:
WM_NCOMPPROCS = 1 (number of threads for parallel builds)
The adapter will be built into /home//OpenFOAM/-v2406/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib
Additional preprocessor/compiler options:
Building with WMake (see the wmake.log log file)…
wmake libso (openfoam-adapter-1.3.1)
Everything looks fine in wmake.log.
=== ERROR: Building completed with linking problems: there were undefined symbols. ===
Possible causes:
- Is preCICE discoverable at runtime? Check the content of pkg-config output above.
- Did anything go wrong while installing preCICE? Can you run any other preCICE tutorials?
- Did anything go wrong while installing OpenFOAM? Can you run any other OpenFOAM tutorials?
See wmake.log and ldd.log for more details.
Attach your Allwmake.log, wmake.log, and ldd.log when asking for help.
There appears to be a host of packages and such that it is not able to find from the above troubleshooting commands. I can find OpenFOAM, although I have another version of it removed from .bashrc on my system, since I was runnning tutorials on that one.
Attached are the log files that may help.
Allwmake.log (6.3 KB)
wmake.log (37 Bytes)
ldd.log (18.8 KB)