adapter doesn't read cellDisplacement

Hello everyone,
I am trying to use the OpenFOAM 10 adapter, which tbf is not officially released, but available on OpenFOAM-10 branch of the adapter. I have encountered an issue, when trying to run the perpendicular flap tutorial: OpenFOAM case shows zero displacement.
On inspection, it appears that “force” is being sent from fluid-openfoam (because the solid-dealii participant receives correct force at all time steps), but it doesn’t read cellDisplacement from solid-deaii. The solver for cellDisplacement in OpenFOAM (smoothSolver to be exact) shows trivially zero initial residual for all time steps.

My system:

  • OpenFOAM 10
  • preCICE 3.1.2
  • deaii 9.5.1
    running on ubuntu 22.04

Case: Perpendicular flap: fuid-openfoam & solid-dealii.
Files changed in fluid-openfoam: dynamicMeshDict according to the latest commit in the OpenFOAM-10 branch of tutorials repo -

    version     2.0;
    format      ascii;
    class       dictionary;
    object      dynamicMeshDict;

dynamicFvMesh dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh;

motionSolverLibs ("");

solver      displacementLaplacian;

displacementLaplacianCoeffs {
    diffusivity quadratic inverseDistance (flap);

libs ("");

   type motionSolver;

   libs ("" "");

   motionSolver displacementLaplacian;
   diffusivity quadratic inverseDistance (flap);

I have cross checked the tutorial with OpenFOAM 2312, which gives the expected results (finite displacement), so it is probably an issue with the adapter for the org version.

It could also be due to incorrect case files, but the case runs till the end, so it is unlikely.
PFA the fluid-openfoam.log file.

I would appreciate any help regarding this.

fluid-openfoam.log (2.4 MB)

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I have just opened a pull request with the fix.
Actually the last commit to the OpenFOAM10 branch, to the Adapter.c file erroneously removed a call to readCouplingData(), thus leading to the issue.

The tutorial works just fine now!

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Related PR: OpenFOAM 10: Fixes adapter not reading coupling data by simrnjandu · Pull Request #335 · precice/openfoam-adapter · GitHub

The branches are currently outdated and not working. We are discussing the support policy in this issue:

At the moment, the last release with build artifacts for OpenFOAM 5-10 (and preCICE v2, not v3) is v1.2.0: