FSI Scenario with updated Tutorials and OpenFoam Adapter

Hello preCICE community,

I have a question regarding the restructured Fluid-Structure-Interaction tutorials.
In the “perpendicular flap” scenario the preCICE configuration file only contains one
fluid-mesh now, instead of the differentiation between faces and nodes before.
Looking at the OpenFoam configuration, displacements and forces are now both
related to the face centers.

Why is that the case now ? Is there anything I missed with the OpenFoam-Adapter ?

With this new configuration my fluid-mesh distorts unphysically. Before with the
differentiation in nodes and faces, everything worked fine. My solid participant takes
forces as input that are applied to the respective nodes of the mesh at the coupling
boundary and writes displacements back also from those nodes.
My question is: Why are only faces used in the new configuration and what
problem might occur that results in the crash by switching from the old config to the new one …

Maybe someone can give some input on this topic.

Best regards,

Hi Max! An announcement about the restructured tutorials is still pending and we will clarify such issues there.

In the meantime, please get the latest OpenFOAM adapter from master: it now supports exchanging cellDisplacement data, which enabled us to make this case closer to a “proper” 2D case.

Have a look here for more: https://github.com/precice/tutorials/pull/146

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Hey Makis,

thanks for the fast response!
Currently I’m working with OpenFOAM7 and use the respective branch for my adapter build, which
I guess doesn’t support the cellDisplacement feature yet. I tried building the adapter on the master branch, but the build fails due to some errors ( I attached the Allwmake.log and wmake.log). Is the
master branch compatible with OpenFOAM7 ?
The build on the OpenFOAM7 branch always worked wihout any problems.

wmake.log (28.5 KB) Allwmake.log (775 Bytes)

You are right, the .org branches are not up to date yet, but @DavidSCN already suggested a nice way to stop forgetting. You can already try merging from master to the OpenFOAM7 branch locally, or wait for next week. We wanted to do some further cleanup in the branches.

As always, if you don’t have any restrictions in the OpenFOAM version, it would make upgrading easier in the future to just move to the latest .com version in respect to the adapter.

I merged locally and now it works nicely!
Thanks Makis :+1:

For the sake of completeness: all changes recently made in the OpenFOAM adapter are backwards compatible. So, when you pull the latest adapter you can still run your usual case using distinct interface locations, it is still supposed to work. Only the changes in the tutorial configuration are not backwards compatible.


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