OpenFOAM Adapter - Dynamic Mesh Solvers

Hi everyone,

which dynamic mesh solvers are compatible with the OpenFOAM adapter?
I’m trying to use the velocityLaplacian since the standard displacementLaplacian is causing too much distorsion in my mesh (often terminating the simulation).

Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

Hi @alicezanella
afaik, the “displacementLaplacian” mesh motion solver is compatible with the OpenFOAM adapter. I guess you can use velocityLaplacian, provided that your structural solver sends velocities at nodes. I have tried it once but I think it is less robust than the usual displacementLaplacian. within the displacement Laplacian you could try to “play around” with the parameter *distance to see if your mesh movement improves (inverse, inverse quadratic, exponential…).
You might also see some pots concerning RBFMeshMotionSolver, but you need to set it up and it might be too memory-consuming if your mesh is big.
Hope it helps a bit

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Hi @Claudio
thank you for your help. I was able to make displacementLaplacian work, only with the inverseVolume diffusion method though.

I’m currently investigating the capabilities of the RBFMeshMotionSolver, but I need to change my other software adapter to work with “Displacement” and not with “DisplacementDeltas”, since it seems that the RBF library only works with the first.

Thank you,

Hi @alicezanella,
interesting to know that you made progress, in particular with “inverseVolume” diffusion method. I never used it, I’ll give it a try.
Regarding “displacement” vs “displecementDelta”, I would imagine that the adapter should handle them both, regardless of the mesh motion solver. But maybe I’m wrong. Nevertheless, pay attention to the fact that RBFMeshMotionSolver requires a different configuration. Perhaps you could refer to the examples in solids4foam and see how it is configured with preCICE.
Let me know if you make progress.

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Thank you for your help, @Claudio!

I managed to make RBF library work with my adapter. Indeed, it seems more robust than the laplacian especially for boundary layer movements and unitary yplus. I think the bottleneck could be the memory usage… I’ll let you know if I make any progress on this.

Thank you,

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