I’m using openfoam’s overset mesh solver “overPimpleDyMFoam ” to achieve fluid-structure coupling of horizontal plates in a flow field.
Simulation environment :
My case is this: the head of the horizontal plate moves up and down actively, and the tail of the plate can swing freely in the flow field
The grid file looks like this:
At the initial time step, time=0, the coordinates of the fluid-structure interface point look correct, and precice found the correct node coordinates.
However, after running for a period of time, the displacement and force mapping of several nodes at the fluid-structure coupling interface are not correct.For example, on iteration of 50:
Several nodes at the interface flew away.
This is the fluid grid at the 50th time step:
Fluid and solid mesh:
Fluid and Solid interface point:
Any idea how to understand this problem?
I have attached the convergence information of my displacement and force, the convergence at the interface is good, it seems to be OK.
precice-Solid-convergence.log (31.4 KB)
precice-Solid-iterations.log (6.5 KB)
At the same time, I also inquired several related questions in the forum:
I don’t fully understand your setup here, but if it works for you, ok.
You can also generate it yourself locally using precice-tools xml >reference.xml
Please pull again and update me if the error persists.
Ok. I haven’t had the opportunity to work on this case for the last few days, so the issue still stands.
I guess my first question is: can the log be trusted in the sense that the crash happens during that mapping?
Hi everyone,
I’m currently simulating a FSI problem using OpenFOAM_7 + Calculix_2.16 and preCICE_v2.0.0.
The below gif. shows that there is a node on the back side which seems to be fixed and not moving as other nodes did.
My question is that whether this issue is caused by data mapping or its originated from CalculiX side?
Does anyone ever met this (or similar) problem before?
Here are the adhere precice-config.xml file:precice-config.xml (2.8 KB)
Any suggestions are w…
It looks like I should try mapping:rbf-compact-tps-c2 ?
Result of time step 50:
solid-fluid-dt50.zip (10.4 KB)
Hello everyone, this example was successfully run on another computer with the following configuration:
OpenFOAM: v2212
CalculiX: 2.20
solver-interface dimensions=“2”
Just change the version, RBF function mapping is fine. That’s a strange question!
October 23, 2023, 2:39am
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