CalculiX adapter Makefile for MKL and PARDISO

I am trying to install the CalculiX adapter with MKL libraries for PARDISO solver. I have modified the makefile that comes with the adapter distribution but I am unable to build the adapter and CalculiX. The following are the system details

  • preCICE version : V2.2.1
  • Operating system : Ubuntu 20.04
    -Installation method : Make
    -Dependencies : gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0, gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-17ubuntu1~20.04) 9.3.0

I have been able to install and run CalculiX without the adapter. I have also been able to run FSI simulations with SU2-PRECICE-CalculiX Spooles MT version.

The Make file and the resulting make error log are attached herewith.
make_error.txt (606.5 KB)

MakeFILE.txt (4.4 KB)

Thank you in advance


Could you highlight the error and maybe describe what fails? I could not find any error message in your attached file.

Thanks in advance!

Hi ajaust
A few moment ago, I was able to compile CalculiX with PARDISO multi-threaded version. I am testing it at the moment and I can share the Makefile and installation procedure if you feel it will be helpful.

Numerical experiments from literature have shown it to be twice as fast as SPOOLES multi-threaded version.

Thank you

It would be great if you could share your knowledge with us. :slight_smile:

I (and possibly others) would be curious as well whether you can see the speedup reported in the literature.

Sounds good. I will need a few days until I get some results. Will keep you posted.


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I am very excited to see that you’ve successfully compiled CalculiX with PARDISO. I’d love to learn from your Makefile and installation procedure. Do you mind sharing?


Hi @pranjan2

If you are able to run CalculiX with PARDISO for a preCICE coupled simulation it would be great to have this included in the CalculiX-adapter repository. We can help you with contributing there in the form of a pull request. Please keep us posted here on your progress.

Hi Ishan

That will be great. I am running a few test cases on a large cluster and I should have the scaling study ready in a day. Will post results here once I have them.

Thank you

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Hi @Mike_Tree

Please find my make file attached herewith.
MakeFILE.txt (4.4 KB)

Here are the steps

  1. Follow the procedure for installing PRECICE and flow solver + adapter as stated on the website.
  2. You need to have the LATEST Intel MKL libraries built and compiled. Follow the instructions for your operating system from Intel OneAPI’s website.
  3. Follow the same procedure to configure dependencies for CalculiX.
  4. Use the makefile above instead of one that is currently distributed.
    Note : The MakeFile assumes that the MKL is installed in /opt
  5. Once you have finished building, the executable is called ccx_2.15_mkle.

Credits : Ghanendra Das ( University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign )

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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