Using preCICE to simulate a free-falling object into water in a multiphase simulation with OpenFOAM/CalculiX

I’m trying to simulate a free-falling object into the water in a multiphase simulation with OpenFOAM and CalculiX.
While running I touch more difficulties, someone can help me???

Hi @fatiha,
it is a bit hard to give hints without much information. There might be many aspects here, for example:

  • how flexible your structure is
  • how large the displacements are
  • how complex the interface is

If the displacements are large you might need to consider overset meshes. Maybe you could start with looking at the tutorials in solids4foam. There you can find some examples with FSI coupling with interFoam and with preCICE. If you can share some more details it would be possible to give you some more advice.
Kind regards

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