Trouble installing OpenFOAM6 adapter with precice v3

Hello everybody,

my goal is to perform a FF volume coupling with Openfoam 6 and precice. From another post, I saw that volume coupling is only possible with preCICE v3, which I install as a package through apt-get. While trying to compile the OpenFOAM6 branch of the openfoam-adapter, my build fails, because of problems with the Interface.C file. This is probably related: when I run

pkg-config --cflags libprecice

I get an empty newline as a response. Has anybody experienced similar issues before and could help me solve these? I have attached the wmake.log and Allwmake.log files

Allwmake.log (907 Bytes)
wmake.log (46.0 KB)

Thanks and all the best,

Hi Dennis,

sorry for the late reply, I was on vacation last week and only now looked at the forum.

I assume you are using the OpenFOAM6 branch of the adapter, and not any of the released archives. I have not yet (completely) ported any of the compatibility branches to the latest adapter version with preCICE v3 support, since this is becoming more and more complicated (see and comment on Policy on support for and other versions · Issue #328 · precice/openfoam-adapter · GitHub).

Why do you need this specific version?

Hi Gerasimos,

no worries, I hope you enjoyed your time off.

Thanks for clarifying! I am looking at this specific version of the openfoam adapter , because as I understand, volume coupling for fluid-fluid simulations with openfoam only work with preCICE v3 (?). This specific version of openfoam, simply because our solver is based on OF-6.

Hi @dennis,

volume coupling also works with earlier preCICE versions, but for the OpenFOAM adapter, it is only integrated since v1.3.0.

We recently got a helpful contribution that simplifies how we test previous versions. I will look into supporting older OpenFOAM versions again in the next days.

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