I am trying to execute a solver dummy which runs in serial configuration:
python3 ./solverdummy-python-parallel.py ../precice-config-parallel.xml SolverOne &> log.runOne &
python3 ./solverdummy-python-parallel.py ../precice-config-parallel.xml SolverTwo &> log.runTwo &
but gets stuck while running in parallel in partitioned configuration:
mpirun -n 2 -hostfile hosts.SolverOne python3 ./solverdummy-python-parallel.py ../precice-config-parallel.xml SolverOne &> log.runOne &
mpirun -n 2 -hostfile hosts.SolverTwo python3 ./solverdummy-python-parallel.py ../precice-config-parallel.xml SolverTwo &> log.runTwo &
Both log.runOne
and log.runTwo
show the same stage at which the simulation is stuck:
preCICE:^[[0m This is preCICE version 2.4.0
preCICE:^[[0m Revision info: no-info [Git failed/Not a repository]
preCICE:^[[0m Build type: Release (without debug log)
preCICE:^[[0m Configuring preCICE with configuration "../precice-config-parallel.xml"
preCICE:^[[0m I am participant "SolverOne"
preCICE:^[[0m Setting up primary communication to coupling partner/s
System info:
- OS: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
- preCICE version: 2.4.0
- Open MPI version: 4.1.3
How can I resolve this issue? Please let me know if more information is needed.