I know that @JulianSchl has used overset grids already, and he has uploaded a case here: FSI coupling between OpenFOAM and MBDyn of a cycloidal rotor (not sure if this includes overset). I have not myself tried that.
I understand that a tutorial or some documentation would be better to answer your question. Why currently don’t have that, but I opened an issue: Needed: Tutorial with OpenFOAM and overset mesh · Issue #335 · precice/tutorials · GitHub
Still, overset may not be the feature you are looking for. I mainly know of overset as a solution to prescribed motions. Looking at the picture, the important part is that the overset mesh is adapting around the solid (as you see, the shape of the overset region is changing). I don’t know if OpenFOAM can do that (but this does not mean that it cannot).