I am trying to validate a research paper for perpendicular flap case. I did the meshing in ansys fluent for openfoam and gmsh for calculix. After running it parallely for 10s, the courant umber is increasing like anything at t=2.3s and simulation is crashing. I think there is something to do with the meshing but i am not able to figure out the error.
flap.inp (407 Bytes)
precice-config.xml (2.4 KB)
Perpendicular-flap-validationcase_copy1.zip (2.9 MB)
I have tried the paper above.
i have taken
density of fluid as 10^3 kg/m^3
also for case A density of solid will be 10^6 kg/m^3
Uinf =1m/s
poissons ratio =0.45 (given)
Re =1000 (given)
E* =6 x 10^4 (given) , so E = 6 x 10^7
Lo =1m
to =0.05m
Distance of perpendicular flap from inlet and outlet is 5m.
I have attached the whole case above. In the file it has .msh file with which i generated the polymesh file (all ready generated).
Can anyone help me with where is error is occuring ? If it is with the meshing, how should I do the meshing part. If it is with the setting part please point out the error.
My time step is 0.001s