FEniCS: no feedback yet

recommended install fails under Ubuntu · Issue #164 · precice/fenics-adapter · GitHub has not received any attention yet but FEniCS is part of the main tutorial cases. Anyone to reproduce?

Hi @ng0177

Let me investigate this a bit more and get back to you. We have not tested the adapter on Ubuntu 23.04 yet.


I should also be help to know which of these aur packages is most likely equivalent to the Ubuntu installation. Thanks.

3 aur/basix-git 0.7.0.dev0_r934.571d504-3 (+0 0.00) 
    FEniCS finite element basis evaluation library
2 aur/basix 0.7.0-1 (+2 0.00) 
    FEniCS finite element basis evaluation library
1 aur/fenics-basix-git 0.7.0.dev0_r945.1117a8d-1 (+0 0.00) 
    C++ interface of FEniCS for ordinary and partial differential equations (from git release).

Regarding the pip issue: It is possible that the message arises from the way pip was installed and that your current user account wants to install into a system location. See PEP668 for some extra information. It would be helpful if you could elaborate a bit more how you install Ubuntu, python and pip. Is it running in a Docker container as root or as a users?

Regarding the AUR question: Are you on Arch Linux? If so, what do you want to do/install? The most equivalent to a pure FEniCS installation is most likely the python-dolfin package, but no guarantee. I am not sure if the preCICE adapter already supports FEniCSx. At least there is a separate fenicsx-adapter which is still in development.

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Thanks. It took a while to figure that “x” refers to the latest update of fenics.

Ubuntu 23.04:

  • no unusal install, most intuitive, should work w/ the recommend pip3 out-of-the-box
  • appreciate PEP668 but I am more inclined to native installations as opposed to virtual environments
  • sudo apt install python3-dolfin installs but lets my case of interest fail
~/tutorials/flow-over-heated-plate/solid-fenics $ ./run.sh
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/un/tutorials/flow-over-heated-plate/solid-fenics/solid.py", line 10, in <module>
    from fenicsprecice import Adapter

Arch Linux packages are well maintained:

aur/openfoam-com v2306-1 (+10 0.00) (Installed)
aur/openfoam-com-precice 1.2.3-2 (+1 0.87) (Installed)
aur/precice 2.5.0-1 (+3 0.87) (Installed)
aur/python-fenics-dolfinx 0.7.0-1 (+3 0.00) (Installed)

compile and install fine. I will simply wait for aur/python-fenicsx-precice to appear.