Hello i’m working on a project involving precice and I was hoping to use the fenicsprecice adapter for the project. The problem I’ve noticed is that fenics has rebranded as fenicsx and downloading the legacy code for fenics has proved to be a hassle. I was wondering when there would be a updated fenicsxprecice adapter would be available or if the adapter is easily updatable to be running with dolfinx so I could try and get the adapter working myself with fenicsx. Any pointers will be much appreciated!
Hello @Patrick_Thomasma
We have a prototype adapter for FEniCSx which is currently being developed: GitHub - precice/fenicsx-adapter: Experimental preCICE-adapter for the open source computing platform FEniCSx. The adapter works for most cases but some functionality (like handling a parallel solver with MPI) is yet to be implemented. But I would encourage you to try out the adapter and let us know if it works for you.
When trying to build the fenicsx-precice I get this error when trying to import
patrick@patrick-workstation:~/Desktop/proj/Nan2212/fenicsx-adapter$ python3 -c "import fenicsxprecice"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "/proj/Nan2212/fenicsx-adapter/fenicsxprecice/__init__.py", line 9, in <module>
from .fenicsxprecice import Adapter
File "/proj/Nan2212/fenicsx-adapter/fenicsxprecice/fenicsxprecice.py", line 9, in <module>
from .adapter_core import FunctionType, determine_function_type, convert_fenicsx_to_precice, get_fenicsx_vertices, \
File "/proj/Nan2212/fenicsx-adapter/fenicsxprecice/adapter_core.py", line 5, in <module>
from dolfinx import SubDomain, Point, PointSource, vertices, FunctionSpace, Function, edges
ImportError: cannot import name 'SubDomain' from 'dolfinx' (/home/patrick/spack/var/spack/environments/fenicsx-env/.spack-env/view/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dolfinx/__init__.py)
Do you have any idea why subdomain isn’t being imported?
Try using the following branch of the adapter: GitHub - precice/fenicsx-adapter at dev-partitioned-heat-equation
The develop branch of the adapter was created some time ago and then development happened on the aforementioned branch. Please be aware that the branch is not ready-to-use and has some issues, but is definitely more recent than the develop branch.
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