Does the fenics-adapter support 3d case?

Hello everyone, I noticed that in the fenics-adapter github page, it says " preCICE-adapter for the open source computing platform FEniCS. Note: The adapter currently only supports 2D simulations in FEniCS", however in the “get_fenics_vertices” function I found :

if dims == 3:
coords.append([v.x(0), v.x(1), v.x(2)])

It seems support 3d case. so I am wondering whether the current version of fenics-adapter support 3d case?

Best regards.

Hi @zhuwenguo

3D is work in progress. Some missing functionality is added here:

And a testcase here:

AFAIK, there is still some implementation or testing missing for parallel 3D cases. Any feedback or testing is very welcome.

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