Hello. I’m trying to decide if it is a good idea to use OpenFoam+fenics for a fluid-structure interaction problem in 3D. I saw in the documentation that it is possible to do this in 2D, but I did not find information about 3D. Then, do you think that is possible (and easy) to use OpenFoam+fenics for FSI? Or maybe it is not a good idea for the moment.
Our OpenFOAM adapter can handle both 3D (natively) and 2D (assuming only the face centers as mesh).
There is also a 3D FSI example with OpenFOAM and CalculiX (case). Both links will soon be broken, as we are currently moving the documentation to our website and restructuring the tutorials.
As far as I know (and from the README), our FEniCS adapter only supports 2D simulations for now. I guess you could extend it to 3D, but maybe 3D problems are trickier to handle in FEM. @IshaanDesai or @BenjaminRodenberg may know more regarding the FEniCS adapter in 3D.
It is great that you are thinking of using FEniCS for FSI. While it is true that currently the FEniCS-Adapter supports only 2D cases in FEniCS, we have estimated that modifying the adapter to handle 3D cases would be straightforward. Over the past few months we have put in a lot of work in redesigning the adapter into a modular structure which makes extending the adapter simple.
The plan to extend the adapter to handle 3D cases is discussed in this issue and it is slated to be done in the near-future. In the mean time @BenjaminRodenberg and I can provide assistance in extending the adapter to 3D.