Call for Contributions: ECCOMAS Coupled Problems 2023

The ECCOMAS Coupled Problems 2023 will take place on Crete from June 5 to June 7.

We are again organizing a preCICE minisymposium: Multi-Physics and Multi-Scale Simulations with the Coupling Library preCICE

Please submit contributions to the minisymposium through the conference website after logging in. Please choose our minisymposium code IS14 as “area” when uploading your abstract.

We are open for any research developing or using preCICE, particularly research that is of interest to more people in the preCICE community. We are also open for work-in-progress talks.

Current deadline for one-page abstracts is February 3, 2023. Submission of conference papers is optional and due till March 20.

Feel free to use this thread to ask questions. We will keep you updated here and on our website.

Looking forward to meet you in person on Crete :sun_with_face:


Quick update, the current deadline for abstract submission is 28th Feb 2023.
I was 4days late to the previous deadline :sweat_smile: