I am trying to replicate the perpendicular flap tutorial. I am using the dealii adapter srtiagh of the of box for the structural part.
As for the fluid part, I am trying to interface with another solver which is written in fortran. I am not passing any forces or displacements between both solvers and my changes are minimal but
whenver I querry for the max time step with:
CALL precicef_get_max_time_step_size(preciceDt)
I get random numbers which are either close to zero or very large.
B) I am ignoring this value and just progressing with my fluid solver with a small constant time step. At some point later precice aborts and I get this error:
"The time step size given to preCICE in “advance” 6e-06 exceeds the maximum allowed time step size 4.000000000000097e-06 in the remaining of this time window. Did you restrict your time step size, “dt = min(preciceDt, solverDt)”
How is this value calculated? I can’t chose the minimum between the solver and precice’s time step because preciceDt as I explained above is just giving weird values.
horses_output.txt (38.9 KB)
dealii_output.txt (1.0 KB)
precice-config.xml (1.8 KB)