preCICE Workshop 2021: Introduce yourself!

Hi all :wave:

My name is Benjamin Uekermann and I am the elderly preCICE developer :older_man:
You may remember me from such videos as “The fundamentals of preCICE”.

I did my PhD at TUM in Munich on the parallelization of preCICE including parallel quasi-Newton schemes. When I started in 2012, I was the second person working on preCICE and we had not really any external users. Long time ago …

After my PhD, I have been a postdoc at TUM, then a postdoc at TU/e in Eindhoven and since very recently a Junior Professor at the University of Stuttgart.
Find out more about me on my GitHub profile: uekerman (Benjamin Uekermann) · GitHub

I know the kernel of preCICE very well and the basics of everything around it. Ask me if you have any questions about the numerical methods in preCICE. And I guess everything on a strategic level.

Right now I am looking into how to extend preCICE to more and more multi-scale coupled problems. And how to manage all the different things going on around preCICE at once :see_no_evil: .

My goal for the workshop is to meet and talk to everybody at least once and ask you what you are up to recently. In particular, I would be interested to hear opinions on how we could build up a sustainable funding scheme for preCICE. Maybe you know any best practice examples we should have a look at.

Looking forward to next week!