Ah… that feeling of finally meeting the preCICE community in person and confirming how nice everyone is!
The preCICE Workshop 2023 is long over, and we have now archived everything, processed all your feedback, and planning our next steps. The path to preCICE v3 is now much smoother.
Since we had our past two workshops only online, we took the opportunity to make this a great in-person event, organized by the TUM SCCS. The rooms at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre were really great for hosting the ~50 of us. In fact, we are considering limiting the number of places to that, to maintain the family feeling and make planning easier. It also gets enough useful (and optional) swag for everyone!
In the complete first day and the morning of the last, new users followed a detailed hands-on course, learning how to couple Python codes, how to configure preCICE, how to get more accurate results with implicit coupling in a CHT simulation with OpenFOAM and Nutils, and (for the first time), how to use ASTE to understand the quality of the mapping and replay simulations for development and debugging. Most of the participants were new users, a group that was really nice to work with! This material is not publicly available, but we do present some of it in conferences and can offer it as personalized training for your team.
In the second and third day, we followed a classical conference mode with talks. We had a balanced mixture of developer and user talks, as well as a great guest speaker, discussing features coming up in preCICE v3 and beyond, as well as new applications, such as coupling to functional mock-up units, to ice-sheet models, to particle methods, and to AI models.
All talks have been recorded and will be available gradually over the next months on our YouTube channel.
However, the preCICE Workshop is much more than the talks (and the course). Discussing is very prominent, and it gets the spotlight during the preCICE World Café. This year, we got feedback from the community on preCICE v3, Time Stepping, Applications of preCICE, Standardizing Adapters, Future, Community, and the workshop itself.
After giving us feedback, users get the chance to also get hands-on help from us on their applications. We discussed many ideas for new coupling projects, and we managed to make progress in some running ones.
Overall, this was the best preCICE workshop so far. Participants enjoyed it a lot, and our feeling of exhaustion in the last day was worth it!
What do you remember from this year’s workshop?
We are not yet sure when and where the next workshop will be, but there will certainly be something good to look forward to! Until then, see you in the forum and in ECCOMAS Coupled Problems on Crete, Greece this June.
Keep it fun,
the preCICE team