Hi everyone, thanks for this great initiative. Its great to learn what kind of multi-physics simulations people are doing around the world and how preCICE can tackle all those.
I completed my PhD from Penn State University in 2019 working on wall heat transfer modeling in IC engines. If I had known about preCICE back, I would have completed my PhD much faster for sure! I spent 2020 doing a post-doc in Texas A&M simulating flow past a cylinder with heat transfer and looking at wall modeling for such flows. Since Jan 2021, I am a post-doc at Oak Ridge National Lab working on multi-physics simulations of Fusion reactors (hopefully, I will get to see one of those for commercial power production in my life time). We are trying to develop a coupled solver (see attached figure) for neutronics (using MCNP and Shift), CFD (using OpenFOAM which is my expertise and HiMag) and structures (Diablo). This will enable us to test new Fusion design concepts and propose improved design suggestions.
I am very new to the preCICE platform, which looks quite promising. I am mainly looking forward to learn about:
- How to build adapters for commercial and in-house solvers so as to couple with other solvers via preCICE ?
- How to couple multiple solvers simulating multi-physics occurring at multi-scales ?
- How to parallelize the solution of multiple solvers some of which are surface coupled while others are volume coupled ?
Eagerly looking forward to the workshop.