Nearest-neighbor mapping | 3 mesh

Great that it works!

Still. Mapping from two meshes to one, using a meaningful operator, and from one mesh to two, replicating information, is legal in preCICE 2.2.0 and newer. However, you have to respect the current limitations and the proper preCICE configuration that is explained in the pull request I had linked earlier. If your simulation works for now, I would not worry for the moment. Look into that again if it becomes a problem later.

I have drawn a figure of the situation that can occur if the solver are executed in parallel in the other thread (last figure). In the case pictured there it is not so straightforward to add up data. However, again, if it does not bother you at the moment I would keep it in mind and look into that when it becomes an issue.

Since the initial problem has been solved we can keep this thread marked as solved and if you run into another issue you can open a new thread.