I was using preCICE openfoam-dealii to modify the perpendicular flap tutorial for my case which is a turbulent flow through a 2D channel with an obstruction to simulate the effect of flexibility using RANS models not laminar. So I have incurred an error when ever I try to change the mechanical property of the flap to a rubber either I will have:
[precice] WARNING: The coupling residual equals almost zero. There is maybe something wrong in your adapter. Maybe you always write the same data or you call advance without providing new data first or you do not use available read data. Or you just converge much further than actually necessary.
An error occurred in line <569> of file </home/habib/build/dealii-adapter/source/linear_elasticity/linear_elasticity.cc> in function
void Linear_Elasticity::ElastoDynamics::solve() [with int dim = 2]
The violated condition was:
velocity.linfty_norm() < 1e4
Additional information:
Linear system diverged
here is my file I modified the geometry to my case and all the boundary conditions and it runs fine only in openfoam.
the run time is shorter just for checking I am running the case doe 1.5sec
I am not sure what the issue is please Help. Thank you
fluid-openfoamcase1KEflexible.zip (5.0 MB)
solid-dealii.zip (4.1 MB)
precice-config.xml (2.4 KB)