Coupled Phase-Field Brittle Fracture Simulation

A phase-field brittle fracture mechanics code written in Nutils is coupled to a Poisson equation in FEniCS or DOLFIN. The FEniCS code is a place-holder for a proper corrosion model. The purpose of this code is to showcase how preCICE could be used to volume-couple between an electro-chemistry model (here the FEniCS code) and a fracture mechanics model. Currently, meaningless data is exchanged.

The original fracture mechanics code was developed by Clemens Verhoosel. The model is documented in this publication:

Singh, N., Verhoosel, C.V., De Borst, R. and Van Brummelen, E.H., 2016. A fracture-controlled path-following technique for phase-field modeling of brittle fracture. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 113, pp.14-29.

The coupling prototype was developed by Benjamin Uekermann.

Find the code, a docker container with all required software, and more information here: GitHub - uekerman/Coupled-Brittle-Fracture: A phase field brittle fracture code coupled to a dummy Python script providing material parameters

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