Configuration of the Multiple Perpendicular Flaps tutorial case

I’m just curious to clarify one thing I saw now in the precice configuration file from the multiple flaps tutorial case.

Why are we creating 2 Fluid mesh here… Even though we have a single fluid participant.

    <mesh name="Fluid1-Mesh-Centers">
      <use-data name="Stress1" />

    <mesh name="Fluid1-Mesh-Nodes">
      <use-data name="Displacement1" />

    <mesh name="Fluid2-Mesh-Centers">
      <use-data name="Stress2" />

    <mesh name="Fluid2-Mesh-Nodes">
      <use-data name="Displacement2" />

    <mesh name="Solid1-Mesh">
      <use-data name="Displacement1" />
      <use-data name="Stress1" />

    <mesh name="Solid2-Mesh">
      <use-data name="Displacement2" />
      <use-data name="Stress2" />

Hi @pranavd,

these meshes are the interface meshes. This case has two interfaces: one between Fluid and Solid1 (the upstream flap), and one between Fluid and Solid2 (the downstream flap).

Is that clear? Feel free to dig deeper.

Hi @Makis ,
Thanks for looking into this :). Lets assume a case

Maybe like this…
So here do i need to create a interface mesh for Solid-Solid Interaction too?
Is it like do we need a interface for same phase interactions? Or can the solver take this into account automatically…

If the two solids are touching each other, then I am not sure. I don’t have any experience with modelling contacts.

In principle, yes, you would need to also define an interface (and everything else) for the solid-solid interaction. But expect issues, since this is something now yet commonly done with preCICE. I expect at least the sliding meshes to be an issue (see also FSI with CalculiX explicit solver and sliding contact).

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Thank you, going to try and simulate this kind of case soon. Will update you about the result at least in personal if this topic is closed.

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