Calculix adapter error v2.20

I have been having trouble when I follow the adapter download and build guidelines on the site for preCICE v3.1.2, where I get the same problem as:
CalculiX adapter installation - #4 by IshaanDesai
however, I am a beginner at linux and I can’t seem to install this file
using the command /CalculiX# sudo apt install ./calculix-precice3_2.20.1-2_amd64_jammy.deb
Can anyone tell me how to go about installing the adapter of this new version so that I don’t get ccx_preCICE error?

Edit 1:

This is the exact problem I have when I run this command, however I have already installed preCICE in the directory before calculix and while running tutorial cases, openfoam adapter runs perfectly fine with that preCICE library



You need to install the preCICE debian package first Release v3.1.2 · precice/precice · GitHub

Also asked and answered in another thread: No deformation when using RBFMeshMotionSolver - #18 by Makis