3D tube case for creep flow and non-inertia solid phase

Hi all,

I am learning about the 3D tube case., and it runs well so far with my new geometry imported. I wonder if I can set the OpenFoam solver to creep flow instead of laminar flow, which I think could accelerate the code. I also wonder the the Fenics supports non-inertia tube (like the 1D case, basically very low density) to accelerate the code. It’s kind of slow for now.

If I can’t do that, I wonder what’s an appropriate time step. Could I trust the result with delta_t=0.0005?


Hi Yiming,

I’ve limited knowledge about your first point about accelerating the code using creep flow solver. I would suggest parallel simulation for your purpose.

About the time step, you may need a convergence test to check if your results converges.



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Hi Xiangli,

Thanks for your reply! I am running the simulation on a virtual machine, and parallel computing doesn’t work.

I’ve got reasonable results now. So the density of the tube defines a elastic wave propagation speed of sqrt(E/rho), where E is young’s modules and rho is the solid density. I am not that interested in the wave propagation, which waste a lot of computational time. It’s the same for the fluid phase as well, the wave speed in the fluid scales as ‘u’, the flow velocity. For creep flow, the wave speed might be neglected since the NS equation is quasi steady.

What is a convergence test. Shall I just run the software and see if it converge or not? In that case, I often ended up knowing that the code doesn’t work after waiting for an hour.
