Variable time steps without sub-cycling in serial-explicit coupling

Hi @auer1329

So, it seems that the additional bug, we will only be able to solve when merging initialize and initializeData, which we think about doing in the next major release.
The complexity here is that you use both “first-participant” and data initialization. We now found out that this combination never worked, it seems nobody has ever needed it.

Your case should work if you set “initialize=off” for all exchanged data (and using the version from the PR). Of course, then, initial data is not communicated. Maybe as a workaround you could hard-code these values on the first participants?
Clear what all this means or do you need more explanations?

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The intermediate fixes are merged to develop now.

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I modified my case to use hard-coded values and deactivated initialization, now it’s working perfectly.
Thank you for your help!

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