I see you used solid elements of the type “C3D8”, which are linear brick elements. You could use elements with quadratic shape functions like “C3D20”. Linear elements tend to be stiffer than quadratic elements. You could also try the linear brick element with reduced integration points of the type “C3D8R”, so you don’t need to generate a new mesh, just change the element type. The fineness of your meshes and the choice of the element type affect your results.
Hello Felix, this is a late reply (it has to be said that our servers compute very slowly), these days, I have tried a lot of modification methods, such as: Increase the fluid grid(21K 38K 46K), increase the solid grid(0.9K 1.8K), reduce the time step(0.001 0.0005 0.0002), improve the fluid convergence standard, improve the fluid-structure coupling convergence standard, and change the solid grid to C3D20 (C3D20 requires a super large amount of computation), but the ideal results are not given, and it is difficult to reproduce Turek&Hron. I have given some reference results for your reference. One more thing to say: replicating CFD3 (fluid solver only) didn’t work out well either, so oddly enough, I’m still replicating PreCICE’s official tutorial: Turek Hron FSI3, hoping to match the standard results.
Note: CFD2 gives very standard results that are approximately the same as Turek Hron CFD2’s results.
I have modified my discrete scheme, but it is still far from the standard result. Do you have any better suggestions? This is my fvsolution file and fvscheme file.
As can be seen from the result of CFD3, it seems that increasing the number of grids will gradually approach the standard solution. Therefore, I will try to increase the number of grids recently.