SU2 Adapter for incompressible flow

Hi all,
I am playing around with the SU2 adapter and I would like to ask if, with the current adapter, it is possible to use the adapter with an incompressible simulation, for example to use SU2 instead of OpenFOAM in the cylinder flap simulation. I have tried to set up a simulation but I get timestep errors. Is it possible? Does anyone have a simple example to share?
Thank you

Hi @Claudio,

I am, unfortunately, not aware of anybody who has tried this before. I would even say that SU2 is mainly made for compressible, not for incompressible flow. Maybe @arusch thesis gives more details. Does the incompressible SU2 solver even support moving meshes? What is your motivation to use SU2 for incompressible flow, and not OpenFOAM?

In any case, please let us know if you get it to work. Any contribution to the SU2 adapter is very much appreciated.


Hi @uekerman ,
thanks for your answer. My desire to couple PreCICE with the incompressible solver of SU2 derives from this presentation I read: . On page 47 they illustrate an example of FSI problem, coupled with SU2. I was trying to replicate it using the SU2 adapter and an adapter that I have been writing lately which couples PreCICE to MBDyn for beam elements. At the moment I am looking for benchmark examples. Recently I have been trying to replicate the cylinder flow in the PreCICE examples, substituting th CalculiX adapter with my own, but I have strong convergence difficulties.
I was able to couple my adapter with a 2D Euler flow in SU2 in a sort of replica of the vertical flap, with physically reasonable results, but I have no benchmarks, which is basically the reason why I was trying to replicate the SU2 square cylinder + flap example. I am considering to translate it in a OF case and see if my convergence problems persist (I might also ask for some suggestions opening another topic).
At the moment my goal is to make sure that my adapter works. After that I wouldn’t mind working on an updated version of the SU2 adapter.

Hi @Claudio,

I recommend to use the same benchmark as the SU2 people did. The Turek and Hron benchmarks are not very well suited for SU2 in our experience due to the no-slip walls. The open domain might suit SU2 much better.
Does SU2 have an incompressible solver with moving meshes or are they just using the compressible solver in an incompressible regime?


Hi Benjamin,
I am actually replicating the vertical flap tutorial (like the SU2-CalculiX version in the repository), I have just made a finer mesh. I agree with you that the Turek and Horn are not suitable for Euler flow (I intend to work with that benchmark when I manage to have my adapter working with OpenFOAM). Afaik with SU2 it is possible to work wit Euler or compressible Navier Stokes.