Hello everyone,
I am trying to run a simulation of an oscillating deformable wing as an FSI simulation. This means that there is a rigid rotation of the wing and CalculiX computes the mechanical deformation of the wing. I provide the dynamicMeshDict file in OpenFOAM to make it clear: dynamicMeshDict.txt (1016 Bytes)
I had to increase slowly the rotation speed to make the simulation converge (as you can see in the file). With 3.49 rad/s at time 0, the simulation diverges with IQN but not with aitken relaxation.
I present here the log files associated to the simulation with IQN and the provided dynamicMeshDict file:
Solid.log (1.2 MB)
As you can see, the convergence is difficult to obtain at the beginning of the simulation, but then, less than 10 FSI iterations are needed, so it becomes reasonable. And it seems that the slower the increase, the faster the convergence.
I also provide the precice-config file to discuss about the best parameters to use in such a case:
precice-config.xml (3.5 KB)
The IQN parameters could be not optimized. If you have advice to reduce the number of iterations, do not hesitate.
Thank you