I am trying to recreate the perpendicular flap just like a few others on this discourse however, my issue comes down to the setup of the solid side.
I made the flap first and then applied a fixture to the bottom. Am I supposed to apply a force or pressure on the interface surfaces? The tutorial .inp file has a *CLOAD but all values are set to zero. I tried generating the file first in Salome and then also in FreeCAD but my files do not match the tutorial case.
What are the exact boundary conditions that I should apply when using one of these softwares rather than cgx?
Also, when using FreeCAD I tried applying a force of zero magnitude but it did not accept this. I then tried to see what the .inp file would look like if I applied a force on the interface surfaces of 1 N and found that the boundary condition is distributed on each node somehow. This did not look as straightforward as the tutorial set up.
Would appreciate any help.