I am using pyPRECICE to exchange volumetric data between a python script and a CFD solver (the python code sends the state vector q in conservative variables, and the CFD solver returns the right-hand side of the Navier-Stokes equation f(q)). The exchange works fine in 2D, but in 3D the step “Setting up secondary communication to coupling partner/s” is painfully slow. In order to debug the problem, I have set up a simple toy exchange where two python scripts exchange volumetric data over a 3D domain: when the two solvers partition the mesh across mpi processes in the exact same way, the overall set up process is fast. However, if the partitions are different then the secondary communications step is really slow. Could you point me in the right direction to solve this problem? I am using precice version 2.5.0. I have attached my precice-config file, as well as a screenshot of the the precice log in case they’re useful.
Thanks so much!
pyprecice_files.zip (943.4 KB)