. I first ran the case with no patches for the blue section and I had no deformation in the mid-section.
I looked at the partitioned pipe flow case ( Partitioned pipe flow | preCICE - The Coupling Library) and realized that maybe I should have some patches in those positions however, should I use the same " fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure" boundary condition as used in the partitioned pipe? How else can I make sure the flow continues to the mid-section from the fluid only part? Or would I take a different approach since I am also using CalculiX?
I am using pimpleFoam
This is what i get on the solid side after coupling:
Writing DISPLACEMENTDELTAS coupling data with ID ‘2’.
Adapter calling advance()…
—[precice] relative convergence measure: relative two-norm diff of data “DisplacementDelta” = inf, limit = 1.00e-03, normalization = 0.00e+00, conv = true
—[precice] relative convergence measure: relative two-norm diff of data “Force” = inf, limit = 1.00e-03, normalization = 0.00e+00, conv = true
—[precice] All converged
—[precice] WARNING: The coupling residual equals almost zero. There is maybe something wrong in your adapter. Maybe you always write the same data or you call advance without providing new data first or you do not use available read data. Or you just converge much further than actually necessary.
—[precice] Time window completed
—[precice] iteration: 1 of 50, time-window: 10 of 10000, time: 0.0009, time-window-size: 0.0001, max-timestep-length: 0.0001, ongoing: yes, time-window-complete: yes, write-iteration-checkpoint
initial energy (at start of step) = 0.000000e+00
displacement is almost zero in all iterations meaning coupling is not happening correctly. I currently have fixedGradient = 0 at the interface inlet and fixedvalue=0 at the interface outlet (7 patches total).
No clue, but how do you restrict that the boundary stays continuous when transitioning from the fixed wall to the flexible wall? This is a question both for the Fluid participants and the Solid.
We use the (modified) fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure BC in the fluid-fluid coupling cases only to correct the pressure gradient (iirc). See:
Edit: Now that I read it again, I see that you actually have three fluid participants (which you couple), not one. Another student thesis studied something similar (but without a clear conclusion). There are many questions to answer here, and you probably need a compressible solver, not pimpleFoam.