Hello Alex,
It took some time and tweaking of the spack environment but I can now run the C++ parallel solver dummy on partitioned nodes.
But I am unable to build the OpenFOAM adapter and seeing messages regarding undefined symbols again, similar to the previous issue: [OpenFOAM-6 adapter] Error during build: undefined symbols of dependencies
As I am new to preCIEC, I am not sure if the OpenFOAM adapter required in my case or I will need to proceed with the preCICE API ?
Context: I want to perform a two-way coupling of velocity and presure at the boundaries of a domain where the internal domain is simulated by an OpenFOAM solver and the external doman is calculated by a python or C++ script.
Based on this, I will decide if I need to create a new ticket for the coupling adapter.
Thanks a lot for the help so far.