OpenFOAM crash running in parallel with my custon DOLFINx adapter

Dear all I recently put this question where I ask for help about developing a DOLFINx adapter for precise 3. I finally did it, at least it works for the perpendicular flap tutorial and I created the pull-request for the official developers to review my code.

I include a 3D multiphase OpenFOAM case on the current code, which represents a tower with its base submerged in water (I’m not a specialist on interFoam configuration). The thing is that the case runs in serial but not in parallel, it explodes from the OpenFOAM side, and I don’t know how to diagnose it.

Any help, please.

What if you export the coupling meshes into VTK? Do you get reasonable forces everywhere, or do you get any spikes around the parallel boundaries?