I would like to link OpenFOAMv2312 (build from source) to solids4foam
My system:
- Ubuntu 22.04
- OpenFOAMv2312 (build from source)
- preCICE -
- openfoam-adapter-1.3.1
I stuck to the Quickstart-Wiki apart from point 2. because OpenFOAMv2312 I compiled from source after removing FFTW from the ThirdParty-v2312
By compiling the openfoam-adapter-1.3.1, the following error appears:
=== ERROR: Building completed with linking problems: there were undefined symbols. ===
Possible causes:
- Is preCICE discoverable at runtime? Check the content of pkg-config output above.
- Did anything go wrong while installing preCICE? Can you run any other preCICE tutorials?
- Did anything go wrong while installing OpenFOAM? Can you run any other OpenFOAM tutorials?
See wmake.log and ldd.log for more details.
Attach your Allwmake.log, wmake.log, and ldd.log when asking for help.
OpenFOAM v2312 runs fine.
preCiCE dos not run:
cd tutorials/quickstart/fluid-openfoam && ./run.sh
leads to:
pimpleFoam: symbol lookup error: /home/mrt1/OpenFOAM/mrt1-v2312/platforms/linux64GccDPInt32Opt/lib/libpreciceAdapterFunctionObject.so: undefined symbol: _ZN7precice11ParticipantC1ENS_4spanIKcLm18446744073709551615EEES3_ii
Testing libprecice3_3.1.2_jammy.deb
leads to the sam Error.
Allwmake.log (1.0 KB)
ldd.log (17.0 KB)
wmake.log (14.2 KB)
What could be the problem?
Best regards, Lucas