---[preciceAdapter] Loaded the OpenFOAM-preCICE adapter - v1.1.0 + unreleased changes.
---[preciceAdapter] Reading preciceDict...
---[precice] ^[[0m This is preCICE version 2.3.0
---[precice] ^[[0m Revision info: no-info [Git failed/Not a repository]
---[precice] ^[[0m Configuration: Release (Debug and Trace log unavailable)
---[precice] ^[[0m Configuring preCICE with configuration "../precice-config.xml"
---[precice] ^[[0m I am participant "Fluid"
---[precice] ^[[0m Connecting Master to 95 Slaves
---[precice] ^[[0m Setting up master communication to coupling partner/s
---[precice] ^[[0m Masters are connected
---[precice] ^[[0m Setting up preliminary slaves communication to coupling partner/s
---[precice] ^[[0m Prepare partition for mesh Fluid-Mesh-Faces
---[precice] ^[[0m Gather mesh Fluid-Mesh-Faces
---[precice] ^[[0m Send global mesh Fluid-Mesh-Faces
---[precice] ^[[0m Prepare partition for mesh Fluid-Mesh-Nodes
---[precice] ^[[0m Receive global mesh Solid-Mesh
---[precice] ^[[0m Broadcast mesh Solid-Mesh
---[precice] ^[[0m Filter mesh Solid-Mesh by bounding box on slaves
---[precice] ^[[0m Mapping distance not available due to empty partition.
---[precice] ^[[0m Mapping distance min:2.58385e-05 max:0.00104288 avg: 0.000558285 var: 3.79615e-08 cnt: 256
---[precice] ^[[0m Filter mesh Solid-Mesh by mappings
---[precice] ^[[0m Feedback distribution for mesh Solid-Mesh
---[precice] ^[[0m Setting up slaves communication to coupling partner/s
---[precice] ^[[0m Slaves are connected
---[precice] ^[[0m iteration: 1 of 50, time-window: 1 of 10000, time: 0, time-window-size: 0.0001, max-timestep-length: 0.0001, ongoi$
---[precice] ^[[0m Compute "write" mapping from mesh "Fluid-Mesh-Faces" to mesh "Solid-Mesh".
---[precice] ^[[0m Mapping distance min:2.58385e-05 max:0.00104288 avg: 0.000558285 var: 3.79615e-08 cnt: 256
---[precice] ^[[0m Compute "read" mapping from mesh "Solid-Mesh" to mesh "Fluid-Mesh-Nodes".
---[precice] ^[[0m Mapping distance not available due to empty partition.
---[preciceAdapter] preCICE was configured and initialized
---[preciceAdapter] Setting the solver's endTime to infinity to prevent early exits. Only preCICE will control the simulation's endTi$
wallShearStress wallShearStress:
processing wall patches:
Courant Number mean: 0 max: 0
Time = 0.0001
PIMPLE: iteration 1
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
on the solid side:
Adapter writing coupling data...
Writing DISPLACEMENTS coupling data with ID '2'.
Adapter calling advance()...
---[precice] relative convergence measure: relative two-norm diff of data "Displacement" = inf, limit = 1.00e-03, normalization = 0.0
0e+00, conv = true
---[precice] relative convergence measure: relative two-norm diff of data "Force" = inf, limit = 1.00e-03, normalization = 0.00e+00,
conv = true
---[precice] All converged
---[precice] WARNING: The coupling residual equals almost zero. There is maybe something wrong in your adapter. Maybe you always writ
e the same data or you call advance without providing new data first or you do not use available read data. Or you just converge much
further than actually necessary.
---[precice] ERROR: Send using sockets failed with system error: write: Broken pipe
I am neither an expert on OpenFOAM, nor mapping methods in preCICE, but I noticed that you are using preCICE v2.3.0. Would it be possible for you to update to preCICE v3? We have a host of new things, which perhaps solve your problems, or at least give you more insights.
rho rho [1 -3 0 0 0 0 0] 1060;
// The point displacement field is unused for the RBF mesh motion solver
namePointDisplacement unused;
// Specify the RBF cell motion field
nameCellDisplacement rbfMotionCentersField;
The adapter uses these names to look up these fields. In this case, it tries to get an object called unused, which does not exist.
Regarding the original issue, I am not experienced with rbfMeshMotionSolver, but I understand that this must be related to wrong configuration.
Hi @Makis
From my understanding, the unused is defining no use of point displacement since RBF uses only cell centers.
I got this configuration from an issue on the precice repository (cannot seem to find the link)
I have run a 2D case with this exact configuration using the RBF solver and it has worked successfully. Is this something that does not work for 3D cases maybe? What should the configuration be if not unused?