Continuing the discussion from Error in writing watch-point for received mesh:
I am afraid there is not easy answer to this. Your setup is really quite challenging.
- When using much smaller values for allowed columns and reused time windows does it converge then?
<max-used-iterations value="15"/>
<time-windows-reused value="0"/>
- Using a
and then
<data name="Displacements" mesh="Structure_Nodes" />
<data name="Forces" mesh="Structure_Nodes" />
<preconditioner type="residual-sum"/>
could maybe help
- So could be playing with the filter
<filter type="QR2" limit="1e-2"/>
Try “QR1” with “1e-5” as well for example
- Is there any particular reason why you use
<relative-convergence-measure limit="1e-4" data="Displacements" mesh="Structure_Nodes"/>
<relative-convergence-measure limit="1e-2" data="Forces" mesh="Structure_Nodes"/>
Why not using the same limit for both?
- Or maybe
and then
<max-used-iterations value="15"/>
<time-windows-reused value="0"/>
is worth a try here.
- We could also experiment with a restart of the QN acceleration or a tuning of the number of columns. But this is sth we have not yet implemented. Could be an interesting research question for @KyleDavisSA ?