Thanks for the suggestion! Do you maybe remember which parameters you had to tweak or which resources you found useful for that, apart from the CalculiX documentation?
I just revisited this after a while. I’m attempting to pre-stress a geometry using a simulation. Instead of using my normal method, I took an opportunity to look for other options out there. I found this:
As far as I can tell, it’s only available on Windows. It has some excellent documentation and can export Calculix *.inp files which can be directly executed using the Calculix adaptor. I only started using it today and have already produced some results.
This community project answers many questions you may have on setting up a coupled case with OpenFOAM and CalculiX. For the CalculiX part, they use FreeCAD to create the geometry, unical3 to convert it to a CalculiX mesh, and frdToVTKConverter for post-processing.
Hi everyone,
for preprocessing and converting the results to paraview you could use, as mentioned above, cubit and the opensource component for the calculix integration.
Full preprocessing can be done with the component. The jobs can be run also from cubit if necessary.
When the results can be linked with the data in cubit (which usually works, except for shells and beams with 3d output) then the information of the element-, node- and sidesets will be used to create partitioned data set collections. So viewing single parts is no problem at all.
Not just the .frd data will be converted but also the .dat data with integration point results. The position of the integration points will be computed according to the shape functions and gauss points from the calculix source code.
In my experience, hypermesh can be used to generate mesh, and it can output the .inp file (if you set the output format as abaqus). And then the CalculiX Advanced Environment can be used to set parameters.
In the preCICE Workshop 2024, @Claudio and me presented a course module on preparing an FSI simulation coupling CalculiX and OpenFOAM. There, we used FreeCAD to prepare the CalculiX mesh and we directly edited the CalculiX configuration in a text editor.