Forrtl:severe (174) occurred during simulation

Hi Makis,
Thanks for your reply!

When we compile our solver in linux using intel fortran, no error or warning occur. Besides, we’ve checked both fluid and solid results when the segfault occurred. Actually, both results were fine. I also don’t know why the simulation stops at once while using valgrind to debug. So at present, the best way to figure out this problem is rebuilding preCICE in debug mode and run the simulation again to see more information, right?

Firstly, as we are simulating interaction between wave, soil and structure, there is a seepage velocity at the interface calculated by our solid solver which needs to be passed to fluid domain. The seepage velocity is calculated by using the pressure obtained from OpenFOAM and this velocity is stored on cell nodes (variables are stored on cell nodes in our FEM solver).

Yes, I extended the FSI module of the adapter (an older version) according to this topic. Right now, we pass Pressure from fluid to solid on face centers, and we also pass Displacement and Velocity from solid to fluid on face nodes. The modified adapter is uploaded here. Could you please point it out if there is anything wrong in my modification? (1.5 MB)

Since we are currently developing the two-way coupling for our solver in linux, we haven’t changed the name of our solver. It is now running on Ubuntu Mate 20.04.