Hello everyone, I have been trying to modify the perpendicular-flap tutorial where I want to write both displacement and velocity from Calculix to OpenFoam. For that, i changed the boundary condition of U from movingWallVelocity to fixedValue. I configured preciceDict file to read velocity by adding FF module along with FSI module as discussed in https://precice.discourse.group/t/about-passing-velocity-to-the-fluid-solver/1362. Similarly, I configured config.yml files to write velocity too.
I tried running simulation and this is the error message i am getting.
Adapter writing coupling data…
Writing DISPLACEMENTS coupling data with ID ‘3’.
—[precice] ERROR: writeBlockVectorData() was called with valueIndices == nullptr
I have also attached the relevant files and hope to get a solution.
precice-config.xml (2.1 KB)
config.yml (234 Bytes)
preciceDict.txt (479 Bytes)