I’m using preCICE version 2.4.0 and wanted to know if there is pdf export of the documentation for this version that can be accessed. I tried to look in precice.github.io/pdf - GitHub but couldn’t find it.
Also, if there is an alternate way to access the documentation, please let me know.
Since v2.4.0 was not the version included in any distribution, there is no export available. But v2.5.0 is very close to v2.4.0 (closer than v2.4.0 was to v2.3.0), so the current version of the documentation should cover you.
Okay thanks @Makis for the info. I was not aware of the distributions.
Specifically I’m facing an issue with OpenFOAM-Python coupling where the python solver runs away (reaches the max-time while the OpenFOAM solver is still running) instead of waiting as described for the simple serial-explicit coupling in Coupling flow | preCICE - The Coupling Library.
I wanted to see specifically the documentation regarding this for v2.4.0 but I suppose there is not much change regarding this as you mentioned.
I might open a ticket for this issue with more details.