I have successfully coupled our in-house finite-volume CFD solver with preCICE 3 and am currently running the FSI3 test case from Turek, using CalculiX as the structural solver.
Forces and displacements are exchanged, with constant under-relaxation as the acceleration method. The FSI coupling performs well using the serial-implicit scheme, and the results are satisfactory.
I would like to work with tractions/stress/pressure at face centers instead of forces at the nodes. Has anyone configured the FSI3 case with CalculiX in this way? If so, I would appreciate any guidance or insights on how to achieve this.
For preCICE, there is no difference whether you use data at face centers or nodes. Both are, first, only a cloud of points. Only if you want to use a nearest-project mapping, mesh connectivity comes into play.
Which mapping are you using or do you want to use?
Regarding the mapping, I’m using rbf. The thin-plate-splines or compact-tps-c2 rbf mappings are working well with FSI3 case exchanging forces.
Now, I want to exchange stress. The preCICE mapping seems not be a problem. The CalculiX configuration has to be modified. If I correctly understand, CLOAD (concentrated load) should be replacement by DLOAD (distributed load) in the CalculiX input file. And the config.yml should contains “pressure” associated with “faces-mesh” instead of “forces” with “nodes-mesh”. But until now I did not find the way to modify my CalculiX files, so that it works…