3-phase multiphase compressible FSI coupling in preCICE + openFOAM


I am attempting to run a 3-phase, compressible FSI simulation using the openFOAM adapter + preCICE. I verified the setup files in openFOAM isolated from the preCICE workflow and the simulation runs as expected so no issues with the openFOAM fluid solver. When I set up the preCICE case, I get the following error. Does the current openfoam adapter support the multiphaseInterFoam and compressibleMultiphaseInterFoam solvers? If not, is there a way to allow this functionality? I am able to get the simulations running using interFoam.

→ FOAM FATAL ERROR: (openfoam-2306)
Error in the preCICE adapter:
There was a problem while configuring the adapter. See the log for details.

From void adapterInfo(std::string, std::string)
in file Utilities.C at line 32.

FOAM exiting

Could you please add more details?

We are about to release v1.3.0, which adds some features for two-phase flows, but generally multi-phase flows are a bit of unexplored territory for us.

After looking into it a bit more, I believe the issue is coming from the fact that to handle FSI simulations, the solver must allow mesh motion and mesh topology changes. This gets more complicated as different Openfoam solvers have different functionalities in openfoam.com vs openfoam.org. In my case, I am using compressibleInterIsoFoam in openfoam.com + preCICE FSI which works as it can handle the mesh changes; however, multiphaseCompressibleInterFoam in openfoam.com cannot handle mesh changes and causes the solver to fail is my thought right now.

It seems that multiphaseCompressibleInterFoam in openfoam.org can handle mesh changes and I am going to attempt to switch to that version to see if it solves the problem here.

On the note about the log, unfortunately there are no details in the log that gets created when I run the simulation unless I am not enabling it to do a detailed log.