Using two machines with different preCICE version

Hi everyone,
we are trying to couple CFD and FEM.
Setting up the coupling works, if both programs are installed on the CFD cluster.

Now we want to couple two different clusters in the same subnet:
CFD: CentOS 7.4.1708 (Core)
FEM: Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.5 (Ootpa)

We have preCICE 2.3.0 installed on the CFD cluster and preCICE 2.5.0 on the FEM cluster.
The participants are not able to find each other, but neither of the participants shows an error message. Both are showing something like:
ā€œā€”[precice] Setting up master communication to coupling partner/sā€

The precice-run folder is created and the IP is as intended.

Is it possible that the participants can not find each other because of the version difference between the two clusters?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hi @JulianK,

In general, mixing preCICE versions is strongly discouraged. As soon as there are changes in the underlying communication layer, anything can happen.

Properly checking this is actually sth we have on our roadmap since longer:

Between v2.3 and v2.5, there were changes in the communication. Hard to say whether they could cause the behavior you describe. There could also be other reasons obviously: