Hello @Makis,
Thank you for your response. I wasn’t aware that OpenSeesPy was initializing MPI, but it seems as though it was.
I commented out all lines referencing anything OpenSees, and have encountered a new issue. I have attached log files for reference.
—[precice] e[0m This is preCICE version 2.0.2
—[precice] e[0m Revision info: no-info [Git failed/Not a repository]
—[precice] e[0m Configuring preCICE with configuration: “./precice-config-Py-OF.xml”
—[precice] e[0m Setting up master communication to coupling partner/s
—[precice] e[0m Masters are connected
—[precice] e[0m Setting up preliminary slaves communication to coupling partner/s
—[precice] e[0m Receive global mesh Fluid1-Mesh
—[precice] e[0m Prepare partition for mesh Solid1-Mesh
—[precice] e[0m Gather mesh Solid1-Mesh
—[precice] e[0m Send global mesh Solid1-Mesh
> —[precice] e[31mERROR: e[0m The provided mesh Solid1-Mesh is invalid (possibly empty).
It seems that the Solid1_Mesh is not being assigned properly, and thus preCICE cannot complete the coupling. I assumed that the calls to
meshID = interface.get_mesh_id(“Solid1_Mesh”)
vertexIDs = interface.set_mesh_vertices(meshID, grid)
in Solid1Solver.py would be sufficient to achieve this.
Is there a command I am missing?
Fluid1.log (5.2 KB)
slurm-1593374.out (5.1 KB)
Solid1.log (947 Bytes)