Dear preCICE community,
I am attempting to model FSI of a VAT using OpenFOAM v7
coupled with calculix
I have learned that openfoam
lacks the capability of solving both rotation and deformation together out-of-the-box. I have turned to a third-party to create a custom solver to do this. This class merges the solidBody
solver for rotation with displacementLaplacian
for deformation.
The dynamicFvMesh class that was created is based off of foam-extend
and has been updated to work with OpenFOAM v7
I am getting the following error:
--> FOAM Warning :
From function void adapterInfo(std::__cxx11::string, std::__cxx11::string)
in file Utilities.C at line 50
e[31mError (deferred - will exit later) in the preCICE adapter: e[0m
request for pointVectorField pointDisplacement from objectRegistry region0 failed
available objects of type pointVectorField are
I have successfully run FSI models with deformation only (using displacementLaplacian
class only), so it appears that the openfoam
communication and set-up is ok.
I understand that this is probably a known issue with merging versions:
Could someone suggest a workaround given my particular case?
Many thanks,