I am coupling 2 physics at once, think one physics is defined by phi_1 (primary variable) and q_1 (flux), and the second physics is defined by phi_2 (primary variable) and q_2 (flux). The two physics are coupled but not very strongly.
I want to have separate convergence criteria for phi_1 and phi_2, and I would like to have both absolute and relative tolerances for both, because during the solution interval there may be times where either phi_1 or phi_2 doesn’t change much. So the convergence criteria I would like to have can be logically defined as
You can specify multiple convergence measures in a coupling scheme, but I think preCICE always combines them with AND: all of them need to be fulfilled.
You can also mark a convergence criteria as suffices="true". Let’s say you have two criteria and both have suffices="true", then this behaves like a “OR”.
But I am afraid you currently cannot create the combination above.
If somebody ever wants to implement this, one could do a absolute-releative-convergence-measure. Should not be tooo compliated to do.