Mapping problem OpenFOAM-FEniCS on cluster

Hello, I am using OpenFOAM-FEniCS coupling for FSI problem on cluster (slurm). The coupling worked well if I run on 1 node (1 node has 28 cores) but got an error when I used more than 2 nodes (for exemple I used 40 cores for OF and 1 core for FEniCS). The error is as follow:

—[precice] ^[[0m Mapping distance not available due to empty partition.

and preCICE stuck then.
You can see the details in the attached file. preCICE 2.4.0 was installed on cluster.
Thank you in advance!

slurm-9504738.out (41.8 KB)

Hi @Ken,

as the log suggests, the coupling interface is apparently empty on the primary rank. It’s a bit of an open question, whether only the primary rank’s interface is empty or the interface of your whole coupled simulation. You compiled the OpenFOAM adapter in debug mode, which is already very useful. However, I would expect to receive logging from all ranks instead only from rank 0, which would give the required insight of your simulation. Do you have additional log files of the other 39 ranks? Could you also upload your preCICE configuration file? Which <m2n network="" /> configuration are you using?
From the log files I would assume that you try to use a nearest-neighbor mapping, correct?

In principle, you could enforce the interface location in your decomposition strategy (cf e.g. this comment FSI: Duplicate Force contibutions in parallel simulations · Issue #40 · precice/openfoam-adapter · GitHub ). However, I would highly discourage using it, as it will pose a performance bottleneck in your simulation.

Hi David,

Thank you for your reply. As you mentioned about the “network” option, I tried to change it to “ib0” and it worked well.
Have a nice day!

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